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Bibs - $19

All babies need bibs.  So why not make sure they have the cutest ones around?  All bibs can be personalized to make each one uniquely special.  Each bib includes either a design or a monogram.

Bibs are available in the following styles and colors:
©Towel Bibs (pulled over the head) - pink with gingham trim, white with pink gingham trim, white with lavender,
                                                                   white with pink, white with yellow

    ©Velcro Bibs - pink, hot pink, gold, green, blue, royal blue, purple, pink with pink dots, lavender with lavender dots,
                                light blue with light blue dots, white, lavender, denim, white with pink, brown with pink, blue with white,
                                pink with white, white with blue gingham, white with pink gingham

Please specify color/style choice and design or name and font choice.  Click here for available choices.

Color and Style
Design or Name and Font Choice


Add and additional design or monogram for only $5.

Design or Name and Font Choice





Buy a gift certificate for a friend to design their own!!  Gift certificates make great gifts!

Contact us at
or 954-661-1919

last updated 8/12/08